
How to make money with your own books?

Many people don’t know how to make money online until they start to publish their first book. While it is pretty hard to find an official publisher, Amazon KDP is a great chance for independent authors to publish their own books and to make money. But before you start to make money you have to write great books and promote them as good as you can….

Making money with books can be a great side income. But until you reach decent amounts of money you have to complete some books unless you create a bestseller right from the start. But this is pretty uncommon. Most authors have to finish several books until they start to generate some income.

Many authors write books that generate only a few sales

While many people think it is really easy to sell lots of books, most of the authors on Amazon have to work hard to reach a few book sales. The questions is: Why don’t they sell more copies. Of course not everyone is a born bestseller writer. So it pretty much depends on your writing skills if you can actually find some readers. Furthermore many books only add to a pile of books that already exists.

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5 central reasons why your books don’t sell

  • Authors missed to create their own niche: The books don’t get visible in a range of books
  • The topic is not interesting: Maybe the headline and the topic is not catchy enough
  • Missing professional layout: The better the first impression of you book is, the more sales you can generate
  • Wrong keywords: Books will not get found if authors use wrong keywords
  • Bad advertising: Ads are important to get more visibility and to make more sales

Missing writing method based on bestseller books

A great writing method can help you to become a more successful writer. Books have to include certain aspects in order to generate sales. But most books don’t even have a clear idea how to attract readers. A modern writing method will help authors to write more appealing content. A first step to more success. The vision is clear: You can make money publishing your own books.

How to avoid important mistakes

If you want to be more successful on amazon your books must be much more professional than ever before. Only skilled writers will survive in the high standard competition of online market places like Amazon. Therefore it is important to avoid mistakes that not only beginners might make. Here is a little article on pretty common publishing errors.

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