
KDP self-publishing for beginners step-by-step guide

KDP Self-publishing for beginners is the new guide where you can find all the help to improve the whole appearance of your book. Publishing a book can be pretty hard, but still many people want to start their own publishing business. And the chances are still quiet good to succeed. Anyway, many authors still don’t sell as much copies as they want to. Here are some simple reasons…..

But let’s start from the beginning.

What is KDP self-publishing?

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a self-publishing service that allows authors to publish their books in both digital and print formats1KDP provides free tools to help authors self-publish their books in more than 10 countries and over 45 languages1. With KDP, authors can retain ownership of their content, set their own list prices, and earn up to 70% royalty on their eBooks1. KDP also offers the option to enroll in KDP Select, which allows authors to earn royalties for each page read on Kindle Unlimited1. KDP is a great platform for authors who want to self-publish their books and reach millions of readers around the world on Amazon1.

KDP self-publishing for beginners

Since more and more authors gather on Amazon the competition now has grown pretty much. Two years ago the situation was still pretty calm. It was really easy to make a few sales in one week. Now you have to dedicate yourself much more to writing and advertising your book in various ways. Still publishing can generate a pretty good side income if you stick to some important rules.

#1 KDP self-publishing for beginners – Avoiding mistakes

One of the most important parts is to avoid making mistakes. Only if you present a great idea and great content your book will actually find readers. Check your books several times before you publish. Don’t try to be the fastest. It is really annoying if you have to improve your book over and over again. Furthermore it cost a lot of time to read the book several times.

#2 KDP self-publishing for beginnersAnalyzing the competition

But if you want to be successful in the future you have to work hard. The more authors appear on Amazon the harder it will be. You have to create a great publishing and andvertising plan and have to become a KDP publishing expert to succeed in this market.

The best solution is to look for some keywords before you publish. If you think your idea is better than the existing offers, you can start to write and later on publish your book. It will take some time, but you will soon realize how important it is to place your book on “best ground”. Or in other words your offer should be at least as good as the competitors around you. The reader will evaluate your book and only buy it if it seems one of the best choices.

#3 KDP self-publishing for beginnersCreating your own inviting niche

Great topics are often interesting. But the way you look at it will determine if someone will buy your book. Maybe you start to look for a special aspect and your sales will rise again. Sometimes it seems not the best idea, but if you keep working on your books and descriptions your time might come for higher sales rates..

#4 KDP self-publishing for beginnersPromoting your book

Promoting is not as easy as you might think. Your books have to become more popular if you want to sell more of them. Ads and social media can help you to achieve your goals. But you have to use a good mixture. Only one channel might not reach your target group- Sometimes another channel can boost your sales. A good idea might be to use your blog for affiliate marekting products as well. But not all affiliate marketing products might be the best choice for your blog.

Conclusion – KDP self-publishing

KDP is always a good idea . You can learn a lot and develope yourself if you really want to sell your own books….


  1. Amazon KDP Program

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